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Top 5 Mobile SEO Tips

Americans spend more than 11 hours per day looking at screens. Much of that time is spent looking at mobile devices. That number seems excessive, but when you stop to think it’s not all that surprising.

We do, after all, spend so much time looking at screens that we’ve invented a way to remove the blue light that causes eye strain. Apple even championed their blue light removing “nightshift” as a major feature.

Google saw this screen addiction coming long ago. Their response was to put heavy emphasis on mobile SEO. In the beginning, Google didn’t return mobile pages any differently than sites design for desktops.

Today, Google is adopting a mobile-first SEO strategy, hyper-focused on putting the best local businesses in front of consumers. To succeed in the local space you need to appear in Google’s local SERPs.

Let’s take a look at the best mobile SEO tips to help your website succeed.

Google My Business

Google My Business is the easiest way to improve your mobile SEO. The search giant maintains what amounts to a local business database. Not only does the information within the database return when someone searches your business, but Google uses that database to determine SERPs rank.

Filling out your My Business account is simple. Add your business address, name, phone number, email, and other requested information. Plus, a completed Google My Business allows people to leave your business reviews.

Mobile Responsive Design

Mobile responsive design refers to websites that can morph back and forth from desktop to mobile layout. The website will display a layout depending on the user’s device.

Google heavily rewards mobile responsive design and has for quite some time. The search giant wants people to have the best experience regardless of their chosen device.

Designing a mobile responsive website is a job for the professionals. Hire on a digital marketing firm to ensure your site works flawlessly on both desktops and mobile devices.

Mobile Landing Pages

Mobile landing pages aren’t any different in concept than normal landing pages. You need to catch readers’ attention and drive them towards a conversion. Generally, you’d include your phone number as 18 percent of local searches lead to a sale within one day.

Creating a strong mobile page means cutting content and focusing on the message. People on mobile aren’t reading long-form content. They want quick, conversational writing.

Time on Site and Why it Matters

Time on site refers to how long people stay on your web pages. It’s an important metric that Google uses to determine the SERPs. Time on site is more important than ever on mobile pages.

As we mentioned, people don’t typically read long-form content on their mobile devices. They don’t spend long on each page. Though the longer your time on site, the better your SERPs rank.

That’s why you need to…

Optimize Your Content

People consume mobile content in short bursts. They consume content on public transportation, when they have a free 5 minutes, quickly at work, etc. Regardless of the medium, mobile-centric content needs to stay brief.

In addition to short content, mobile content shouldn’t take much effort to consume. Give consumers something they don’t have to think about. Ensure your content is an enjoyable break, not a taxing investment.

Making the Most of Mobile SEO Tips

Mobile SEO tips are only as good as the person implementing them. SEO, especially, mobile SEO, is best left to the experts. Learning SEO from the ground up isn’t measured in months but in years.

Plus, Google changes the equation so often that keeping up is a full-time job. That’s why we make hiring the experts easy. Our team can help you take your mobile SEO to the next level. Let us know when you’re ready for success.

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