How to Set Goals for A Killer B2B Social Media Campaign

Good marketing is a result of diligent planning and goal setting. B2B marketers, in particular, who have to work towards bringing prospects into the sales funnel for intricate products and services, need to know how to set goals for every aspect of their campaigns, including social media initiatives. To pave the golden brick road for […]
How to Overcome Sales Objections Online

No one likes losing a sale. But as website owners, you know it’s a common problem. Customers may be on their way to making a purchase, but something comes up – a sales objection. A thought comes to mind that tells them “I should not buy this.” When you sell online, you have to quell […]
Instigate an email subscriber riot with these 10 opt-in ideas

Opt in offer ideas Are you struggling to build your client list? By thinking outside the “opt-in box,” you can create a free offer that your audience won’t be able to resist. It goes without saying that, if you’re in business, the goal of your website is to get your audience to buy your products […]
Guide to Profitable Pinterest Marketing

My Dead Simple 3-Step Strategy to Promote Your Brand on Pinterest Note: This is Part 2 of my two-part guide to content-rich Pinterest marketing. If you have missed Part 1, you can read it here Last time we discussed the enormous potential of rich product pins, and how you can use them to drive more […]
5 Quick-Start Tips to Rock Your Next Facebook Ad Campaign

Why Facebook is a Small Business Owner’s Dream Writing ads for magazines, radio, TV and direct mail campaigns can be painful, not to mention extremely risky. The process is basically a one-shot deal, involving no rewrites or second chances. You write and design what you hope is a riveting, irresistible ad. Then, you send it […]
5 Reasons Bidding on Your Brand Name in AdWords Will Increase Your Bottom Line

Some companies see bidding on their brand name in AdWords as a waste of time. If your business organically comes up on top, why invest in PPC? Turns out, there are many reasons. Even gigantic brands like Sony, Adidas, Gucci, Facebook, and Porsche leverage this strategy to bring in more traffic, boost conversions, and ultimately […]
10 Easy Steps to SEO Nirvana

Today we’re talking search engine optimization . But not just old school “let’s optimize our website for keywords” SEO (the days of keyword stuffing are o-v-e-r). Meta keywords used to be what all the cool kids relied on for greater search engine rankings. Not anymore. Not in the NEW online economy. Visuals, social-sharing buttons, quality […]
SEO for Business to Business Sales

The Future of SEO is Not Grim; it’s just Changed for the Better

The purpose of good search engine optimization (SEO) is to attract people to your company’s website while the intent to buy is there, which is why it’s one of the most important marketing strategies for B2B. If SEO isn’t a major component of your marketing strategy, then you’re missing out. However, if your business has […]
Boost Growing Your Business with SEO Using These Tips

So, what is SEO really? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is an increasingly effective and efficient way of ensuring that your website ends up coming at the top of Google’s search engine ranking. As a startup or a small business, if you have a website and you want to expand your business using […]